Birth Of Jesus To Mary

Promise – The Birth Of Jesus To Mary

Birth Of Jesus To MaryChristmas: The season for joy and peace.

But, does joy and peace come to all when the celebration begins?

Personally, I’ve already seen prequels to “Black Friday”, advertising the hundreds of sales and bargains to come.

But, these verses from Luke 1 tell a different story — the story of the promise concerning the amazing birth of Christ!

So, during the busy shopping days ahead, let’s take a moment of pause to think about why we are celebrating.

The real reason for Christmas is Christ, who came to earth as a human to live among us – Emmanuel!

The Promise to Mary – Announcing the Birth of Jesus Christ

“Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.

And coming in, he said to her, “Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.”

But she was very perplexed at this statement, and was pondering what kind of greeting this was.

And the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.

And behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end.”

But Mary said to the angel, “How will this be, since I am a virgin?”

The angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; for that reason also the holy Child will be called the Son of God.

And behold, even your relative Elizabeth herself has conceived a son in her old age, and she who was called infertile is now in her sixth month.

For nothing will be impossible with God.”

And Mary said, “Behold, the Lord’s bond-servant; may it be done to me according to your word.”

And the angel departed from her.” – Luke 1:26-38

The Angel Announces The Birth Of Jesus to Mary

Why Mary?

Truthfully, God could have chosen anyone on earth to bear His son but He chose Mary.


We will only know all the reasons when we get to heaven.

But,  I’m sure one reason was her faithfulness and willingness to obey God in whatever task He asked of her.

We’ve seen this scenario all through the Bible.

Throughout the Old and New Testament, God does not choose people according to:

  • their education,
  • wealth,
  • looks
  • or status in the community.

Many times it’s just the opposite.

For instance, who were the 12 disciples?

They were fishermen, tradesmen, and even a hated tax collector!

So, don’t believe for a moment that, because you are not a theologian, God will not call you.

In fact, He calls anyone who is willing.

The task may not involve speaking in front of thousands of people. It may be as simple as helping that neighbor with a spiritual issue.

Simply put; We’re all called to serve God — We just don’t always answer that call.

Who Was Mary?

First of all, Mary was not a rich woman.

In reality, she was a poor girl with no real prospects in life except she was engaged to Joseph, who was not a wealthy man.

Most people of the day would have thought her unworthy to participate in anything concerning God.

After all, those things were performed by the priests, weren’t they?

Are You Qualified to Serve God?

Have you ever felt unworthy to serve God or do a job because it spanned beyond your skills or mental capacity?

I know I have!

Your reasons may be different but I don’t feel worthy to write these devotions.

I’m not a pastor. I did not even grow up in church. Two good Christian friends helped me to find God again after I was grown. So, it’s never too late to come back to Christ.

With that said, I do feel that God helps me with what I need to write on any given day.

So, He will help you complete your task too!

At times, we all feel that what God is asking us to do is just too big to handle!

For Him, it’s NOT!

Can We Limit The Power Of God?

Promise of Birth Of Jesus To MaryWhen we feel Gods calling is too big, in reality we’re saying that the job is too big for God.

This puts a limit on Gods power!

All through the Bible we have seen Him perform countless miracles, do “impossible” tasks and call ordinary people like:

to change the world.

Is it not just as possible for God to use us in the same way?

Don’t limit what God can do.

He can use you and I if we will only show a little trust in Him.

Mary did…

…And look at the miracle God delivered!


Love in Christ

– Bob

If you have never made the decision to receive the love and life-changing experience of Jesus Christ, please take a moment to Read John 3:16 for more information.