What's Up With Heaven? Dr. David Jeremiah Video Tells All!

What’s Up With Heaven? Dr. David Jeremiah Video Tells All!

Yes, Jesus tells us through Scripture study we will spend eternity with Him in heaven. But, can we really comprehend what heaven is? We picture ‘streets of gold‘ and singing praises to God.

So, is that really all heaven will be?

According to Dr. David Jeremiah, “Heaven is truly a mystery for those who do not study the Word of God. But, for those of us who do, there are many answers to be found.”

Dr. David Jeremiah’s Video Asks: What’s Up With Heaven?

In his video “What’s Up With Heaven?” Dr. David Jeremiah explores the biblical concept, aiming to provide clarity and encouragement to believers. He begins by addressing common misconceptions and questions about Heaven, emphasizing its reality and significance as described in the Bible.

Biblical Description of Heaven

Dr. Jeremiah references several Bible passages to paint a vivid picture of Heaven. He cites Revelation 21:1-4 to describe the new Heaven and new Earth, highlighting the absence of sorrow, death, persecution, and pain. Additionally, he refers to John 14:2-3, where Jesus promises to prepare a place for His followers, indicating Heaven is a tangible and prepared place. These scriptures affirm the beauty and perfection of the eternal home awaiting believers.

The Nature of Heavenly Existence

The nature of life in Heaven is another focal point. Dr. Jeremiah explains that believers will have glorified bodies, drawing from 1 Corinthians 15:42-44, which speaks of the resurrection body being imperishable, glorious, and powerful. He also mentions Revelation 22:3-5, noting that Heaven will be a place of eternal service to God, filled with light and the direct presence of the Lord.

David Jeremiah Encourages Us

Dr. Jeremiah concludes by encouraging viewers to live with an eternal perspective, reassured by the promises of Heaven. He urges believers to find comfort and hope in the certainty of their inheritance, grounded in biblical truth. This anticipation, he asserts, should inspire and guide their earthly lives.

What Does The Bible Say about Heaven?

Why shouldn’t we learn all we can about the Kingdom of God? Dr. Jeremiah talks in depth about the myths and truths we should know. I found this video about heaven enlightening as David Jeremiah is so talented. And, he goes out of his way to help us understand the Bible.

So, watch the video and listen as Dr. David Jeremiah takes us through a journey and explains:  “What’s Up With Heaven?” If you like this video, please share the page with your friends and family as not much about heaven or hell is talked about nowadays – even in church.

And finally, watch other videos by Dr. Jeremiah to discover his perspective on the gospel.

** If you would like to find how to accept Christ as Savior, please go to this page.


55 thoughts on “What’s Up With Heaven? Dr. David Jeremiah Video Tells All!

  1. 🎧 2020 🎧 I LOVE THE SUBJECT OF HEAVEN~NOT TALKED ENOUGH THESE DAYS~IT’s OUR REAL HOME JESUS SAID~I CANT WAIT TO GO HOME~Jennifer~Australia☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️

    1. Hello how are you doing. I trust you are safe and in good health. Thank you 😊

    2. @Elizabeth Wiese Hello how are you doing Elizabeth. I trust you are safe and in good health. God bless you.

    3. Hi sorry to have to tell you the Truth but Jesus never said Heaven was our Home, and yes there will be ones Chosen to go to HEAVEN . But what the Bible teaches is that God made this EARTH as mankind’s HOME.And for him to live on it for Ever. Please read these Scriptures and see for yourself. Genesis 3:22. Psalms 37:9,10,11; 29. Isaiah 65:22-25. Matthew 5:5. And not all good people go to HEAVEN Acts2:34.

  2. Each week I hang on each word by Dr Jeremiah… Little does he know that I have hardly missed a Sunday since my son took his life just over a year ago, leaving me near tears each week I’m not doing too well lately, but I know God has never left me…it only feels like it.Looking forward to this series…

    1. Pam Wehking so sorry to read about your great loss. We share something in common as I lost my daughter in April ‘13 by suicide. So many days feeling alone but you’re right, God never leaves us,.. your reminder is a comfort. God has carried me for over 7 years now. It’s only by His strength, nothing of my self. I’m praying for the rapture, for loss, pain and suffering certainly makes us long even more for Heaven. Prayers for you Pam, May God comfort you always.

    2. I’m so sorry dear. 🧡 May God’s face shine upon you today into eternity

    3. Hang in there dear Pam, our prayers go out for your heart to be lifted and I know God hears and responds. “My peace I give you”, says Yeshua

    4. Jeremiah is misleading a lot of people to release their purses to him. He tells yu to donate money to him and that God will bless yu with more. He does not need your money, since he has direct communication with God, he can get all the money supplied to him by God.

  3. Would like to ask for prayer for an acquaintance who lives her life with chronic pain, may she be delivered from the occult, may she come to Christ and be filled with His sense of worth and value for her life being, and may she become someone who can bring the Gospel to women who are burdened by harmful lifestyles and by self-harm, because she once was there but now is found.

    1. Very few of you will ever get into the kingdom; you have to achieve the level of Jesus

    2. @Pandit Sharma that is true….”If men only know what awaits them in eternity they would do everything in their power to change their lives.” St Jacinta of Fatima……“Among adults there are few saved because of sins of the flesh. With the exception of those who die in childhood, most men will be damned.” -Saint Regimius of Rheims

    3. Very few have understood that the kingdom of God is within you and above the clouds:THE LIGHT OF THE SOUL.

  4. Mine will say “Mark ain’t here, just the shell, the nut left for heaven!”

  5. Philippians 3:20 We, by contrast are citizens of heaven, and from heaven we expect our deliverer to come, the Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN ! AMEN !

    1. I’m so sorry to hear that there’s so many people that can not believe this truth

    2. @Mark Spencer Impossible for Jesus to have risen from the dead. Then to survive physically beyond the

    3. Enough good news from APNU–the devil incarnate. We need integrity, fairness and honesty now.

    4. @Pandit Sharma I agree completely Pandit! Impossible unless He was everything He claimed to be! The religious leaders of His day did not want him crucified for what he did, but for who he claimed to be.

  6. Question to who you wanna see first in heaven? And my answer is………. not 72 virgins. That’s why I’m out of islam and now I’m Christian because I wanna meet my savior Lord Jesus Christ.
    God bless ❤️

    1. @Nicola WatsonIt is one big con game about heaven and hell—thousands of years have gone by and the same hackneyed repetition. We are living in modern reality, of science and not a mythological world of fiction.

    2. @Natalie Woodsthomas You have been deceived by con men who pose as pastors who travel in personal jets and squeeze the money out the poor to sustain their lavish lifestyle.

    3. @kelli blue You are right about truth, making you from delusions and fictions and lies and skullduggerry.

    4. @Ma S There is no devil, it a convenient invention to scare people into releasing their purses to con-men

  7. When we are brought into the reality of God’s design, heaven becomes more real.

    1. You have no clue of God’s design; the entire history of mankind has been the history of wars and destruction because God has turned its back on man

    2. @Pandit Sharma Sin caused the war and destruction. Jesus came to save us from the sin; all we have to do is accept his death on the cross for a payment to our inherited sin and we belong to him forever.

    3. @Comet Catz to civilize people and the history of mankind is replete with man’s deep-seated destructive nature. Hitler of Germany, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, vs Buddha, Christ, Gandhi, etc. Christ tried and failed and continue to fail.

  8. Love this message! Thank you Jesus… learning more of your word. Praise God!!!


  10. Sermons like this change hearts, give us hope and strengthen our resolve.

  11. Thank you God, thank you Jesus that my name is written in the Lambs book of Life. I believe by faith. ✝️🙌

  12. There is no one else like you, you bring much encouragement, thank you for your work.

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