Story of Easter and Passion Week - Easter Timeline

Easter Timeline – Major Events of Passion Week

Each year at Making Christ Known I try to lead the verses up to the crucifixion of Christ and then the resurrection from the grave. The Easter timeline is a powerful journey through the final days of Jesus’ life, filled with moments that changed history forever. During Passion Week, Jesus spent Sunday through Wednesday in Bethany, a small town just east of Jerusalem, likely staying with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. On Thursday night, He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, preparing for what was to come. By Friday, Jesus faced the crucifixion, offering Himself for the sins of the world. His body lay in the garden tomb on Friday and Saturday nights before the glorious resurrection on Sunday morning.

This Easter timeline helps us reflect on the sacrifice and hope that are at the heart of our faith.

Easter Timeline: Story of Easter and Passion Week

Palm Sunday – Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

On this day, Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a donkey, fulfilling Old Testament prophecy (Zechariah 9:9). Crowds waved palm branches and shouted, “Hosanna,” recognizing Him as the long-awaited King. This moment marked the beginning of Passion Week and set the stage for Jesus to reveal His role as the Messiah who would bring salvation—not through political power, but through sacrifice.

Monday – Jesus Clears the Temple

Jesus entered the temple and drove out the money changers, declaring, “My house will be called a house of prayer” (Matthew 21:13). This bold action demonstrated His authority and exposed the corruption within religious practices. It was a powerful reminder that worship should be pure and focused on God, challenging believers to reflect on the sincerity of their own faith.

Tuesday – Jesus’ Authority Challenged and Teaching Ministry

On this day, religious leaders questioned Jesus’ authority, but He responded with wisdom, using parables and teachings to reveal deep truths about God’s kingdom. Greeks seeking to meet Jesus symbolized the expanding reach of His message to all nations. The Olivet Discourse, where Jesus spoke of the end times, reminded His followers to stay vigilant and faithful. Meanwhile, Judas agreed to betray Him, setting in motion the events that would lead to the cross.

Wednesday – A Day of Rest and Reflection

The Bible doesn’t detail what Jesus did on this day, but He likely spent time in Bethany with His disciples. This pause in the narrative allows us to reflect on the calm before the storm, as Jesus prepared for the intense suffering and sacrifice that lay ahead.

Thursday – The Last Supper and Gethsemane

During the Last Supper, Jesus shared the Passover meal with His disciples, instituting the practice of communion by breaking bread and sharing wine as symbols of His body and blood. In Gethsemane, He prayed with deep anguish, fully surrendering to God’s will. His betrayal and arrest that night reveal both His humanity and His unwavering obedience to the Father’s plan for our redemption.

Good Friday – Trial and Crucifixion

Jesus was tried, mocked, and sentenced to death. Despite being disowned by Peter and abandoned by most of His followers, Jesus carried the cross and willingly endured crucifixion. His sacrifice on the cross paid the price for sin, bridging the gap between humanity and God. It’s a solemn day to remember the depth of His love and the cost of our salvation.

Easter Sunday – The Resurrection

The empty tomb on Easter morning confirmed the greatest victory of all: Jesus’ triumph over sin and death. His resurrection brings hope and new life to all who believe in Him. This day is the foundation of the Christian faith, reminding us that through Christ, we have eternal life. Hallelujah, He is risen!

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** Quote from Live Application Study Bible: NIV – Verses and the Easter timeline are from Life Application Study Bible: New International Version. Credits for Easter timeline: From: Life Application Study Bible, NIV

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