"When You Feel Like Giving Up" with Pastor Rick Warren

“When You Feel Like Giving Up” with Pastor Rick Warren

Are you feeling discouraged lately? Discouragement is one of the primary reasons we feel tempted to give up on our God-given dreams. With that said, keeping your faith helps discourage discouragement.

Keeping Your Faith When You Feel Like Giving Up | Rick Warren

In the video “When You Feel Like Giving Up,” Pastor Rick Warren discusses how to maintain faith during difficult times or trauma. He emphasizes that everyone faces challenges where giving up seems like the easiest option. However, Warren reminds viewers that God provides strength and guidance even in the darkest moments.

Persevere Through Difficulties

Pastor Warren begins by highlighting that the Bible encourages perseverance. He quotes James 1:12 (NIV):

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life.”

Warren explains that tough times are opportunities for Christian growth and character development. Staying strong in faith is essential to overcoming these trials.

God’s Promise of Strength

Next, Warren points to God’s promise of strength in times of weakness. He references Philippians 4:13 (NIV):

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

He stresses that relying on God during hardships allows people to endure more than they think possible. Faith becomes the source of resilience when life feels overwhelming.

Focus on God’s Faithfulness

Warren then discusses the importance of focusing on God’s faithfulness. He mentions Hebrews 10:23 (NIV):

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”

Warren encourages believers to remember God’s promises and remain hopeful even when circumstances seem bleak.

Never Give Up Hope

Pastor Warren concludes by urging viewers never to give up. He quotes 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (NIV):

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.”

He reminds everyone that hope in Christ is always present, even in the toughest situations.

By keeping your faith strong, relying on God’s promises, and staying hopeful, you can find strength to persevere when you feel like giving up.


20 thoughts on ““When You Feel Like Giving Up” with Pastor Rick Warren

  1. Thank you, Pastor Rick! Such an important message and very needed! I won’t give up!!

  2. Hello everyone.
    I would like to share a conversation I had with a complete stranger that approached me at a car wash. This happened around 2019 and has stuck with me since. 
    I thought I would share this as it might be relevant to the message and help others.
    Below is a dialogue of the conversation.

    Hi. I have a message for you.

    Hi. From who?


    Lol. Okay.

    He says to tell you that he knows you’re stuck in a hole right now and you must hang on.
    He also said that he loves you very much and he won’t leave you.
    I also saw, in my mind, an image of a hand grabbing another hand just as I got into my car to leave, but Jesus said that I need to give you this message first.


    At the time my life was falling apart but Jesus knew that there was more hardship coming (Covid), and he actually sent me a message because he knew that I would need it.
    My life has gotten worse since then, due to covid and other issues stemming from it, but his message makes all the difference.

    Thank you Jesus.

  3. Please Pray that God can get through to my husband and restore our marriage and family for he is lost and really needs to choose God.

  4. God is real! Our pastor has been teaching about “in the middle”. Not giving up in the middle. I go to read the Bible yesterday, all that stands out is endurance. My God is real

  5. Hallo pak..
    Saya sangat menyukai buku bapak yg berjudul Untuk Apa Aku Ada Di Dunia. Buku ini sangat memotivasi saya.
    Terima kasih pak Tuhan Menyertaimu selalu
    Maaf saya tdk bisa berbahasa Inggris

  6. Hello pastor Rick it’s me hina from Pakistan Karachi please remember me and my family in prayers

  7. Hey pastor Rick, Can you please continue to upload the message notes to YouTube. God bless
    Much love from Australia ❤️

  8. Don’t lose hope you never know what tomorrow may bring. Thank you for this powerful message brother Rick.

  9. Bahahahha. Great opener about your anniversary.

    Great word.

  10. Thank youPtr.Rick..I am strengthened and inspired thru God’s message spoken by you..glory to God..

  11. I wish all you preach is true, but it ain’t! Why hasn’t God answers my prayers on unsaved family members!!!!!!

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