Ash Wednesday – On Our Way to Easter

A Meditation for Ash Wednesday – On Our Way to Easter

Ash Wednesday




Black fine dust!


The ground we walk on!

A reminder – We belong to God

God made us from dust of the ground

God breathed into us the breath of life

We became a living soul!

A reminder – Our sins

Our willful rebellion against God

Black as the dirt that reminds us!

A reminder – Mortality!

Bluntly – death.


From dust to dust.

So much in those little clay bowls.

Looks like only so much black, powdery ash

But, it declares loudly

A theology of life.

Creation – God love us

Sin – Even now God still loves us

Recreation – Love in a Cross and resurrection.

It’s Ash Wednesday.

The congregation marches forth with slow step and repentant heart

They receive the ashes on their forehead, a smear this way and that

A Cross

With the words from the preacher: “You’re a creature of God!”

“God loves you!”

Suddenly, the Lenten journey begins

But . . . it begins knowing full well the Victory of EASTER

Knowing full well that God loves us

The smear – The reminder

Creation . . . Sin . . . but LOVE that will not let us go!

We will look at the Bible passages that picture Jesus with his face

Set like a flint, on the road to Jerusalem

Blind Bartimaeus, “Son of David, Have mercy on me!”

In the Upper Room, “Take Eat, this is my body . . .”

Judas slipping away into the night – betrayal!

Agony of Gethsemane!

The horrors of the crucifixion

“My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”

“It is finished! Into Thy hands, I commend my Spirit.”

We will understand the dark journey to Calvary better.

Perhaps! But, we will have gone the whole way already knowing Victory.

The Angel – “He’s not here, he’s risen, go tell his disciples.”

The 2 on the Road to Emmaus – “Did not our hearts burn within us . . .”

Thomas – “My Lord and my God.”

Peter – “Lord, you know that I love you!”

JESUS – “You will be my witnesses . . .” “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”

ASH WEDNESDAY – a holy time, for sure!

Dirt, ashes, ground we walk on – that’s us! But, we’re so much more!

We’re creatures of God

We’re “breathed into” with His life-giving breath

We’re ones for whom Christ died!

Amen! Hallelujah! So let it be!


About the Author

G. Byrns Coleman is a retired Professor of Religion and Chair of Department of Religion & Philosophy, Wingate University, Wingate, NC . He is also a member of Wingate Baptist Church .

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