How to Be Happy No Matter What Happens | Rick Warren Video on Attaining Happiness

How to Be Happy No Matter What Happens | Rick Warren Video on Attaining Happiness

Pain, pressure, people, and problems can kill your joy. But, when you approach every situation with God, you’ll discover how to be happy in most situations. In this message, Pastor Rick shares four principles for being happy no matter what happens in your life. Learn how God can bring good out of anything, and how to stay focused on your purpose, and not problems.

How to Be Happy No Matter What Happens: Rick Warren’s Guide to Lasting Joy

In the video “How to Be Happy No Matter What Happens,” Pastor Rick Warren offers practical advice on achieving lasting happiness, regardless of circumstances. He emphasizes that true happiness comes from a deep, inner joy rather than external factors.

The Role of Trusting God

Pastor Warren highlights that trusting God is crucial for maintaining happiness. He refers to Proverbs 3:5-6, which encourages believers to trust in the Lord with all their heart and lean not on their own understanding. By placing trust in Christ, individuals can find peace even during difficult times.

Embracing a Positive Attitude

Warren explains that a positive attitude significantly impacts happiness. He cites Philippians 4:8, saying;

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.”

By cultivating a positive mindset and gratitude, people can enhance their overall sense of well-being.

Living with Purpose

According to Warren, living with a clear purpose contributes to lasting happiness. He references Jeremiah 29:11, where God promises a future filled with hope. By aligning their actions with God’s plan and purpose, individuals can experience a deeper and more enduring joy.

Insights to True Happiness

In summary, Pastor Rick Warren’s video provides valuable insights on how to be happy regardless of life’s challenges. Trusting God, maintaining a positive attitude, and living with purpose are key elements to achieving lasting happiness. These principles, supported by Bible verses, offer a practical guide for anyone seeking joy in their life. So, now that you know how to be happy, it’s time to act!

36 thoughts on “How to Be Happy No Matter What Happens | Rick Warren Video on Attaining Happiness

  1. Hello pastor Rick Warren, I absolutely love you’re sermons about the bible. After a couple of videos I gave my life to Christ Jesus. What was weird is that in every you tube video I see, you always makes me tear up all the time 😂😂. Thankful to God that he led me to you’re videos and it’s not by chance I now feel it. What’s actually weird is that I thought you had already talked about this the other day which even prompted me to update my what’s app status which now reads “constantly seeking God’s approval over man’s validation 😊.weird enough is that I have just paused this video at 19:52 after you say it.I can’t thank you enough for leading me to Christ Jesus.

    1. Thank you for sharing that it was really beautiful. You made my night. Someday I’ll say hello to you in heaven God bless and welcome to the family

  2. Thank you so much for this message, Pastor Rick. I’m so thankful for you!

    Choices I should make to be Happy-using Phil 1 as our guide
    1. Remember that God can bring good out of ANYTHING- Rom 8:28, Psalm 34:1 I can only do this is I choose to look at every situation from God’s viewpoint and not my own.
    2. NEVER let others control my attitude
    3. Trust GOD to ALWAYS work things out. This gives me hope, courage and happiness.
    4. Stay focused on my purpose, not my problem

  3. I love this sermon
    I watched it …. And rewatched….and rewatched
    Thank you so much
    My downfall is allowing others to control my happiness and living in the past/regrets
    I’m a work in progress however——
    God is soooo good though 🙂

    1. Im there too. Made huge mistakes and cant seem to move on. Its like i drank the pouson hoping THEY would die. Doesnt work that way. Iv suffered for years w depression too. I have to move on and live my life now. Not in the past.

  4. Thank you so much I’m glad you popped up “accidentally” on YouTube. I am a student of A course in miracles, most of my life I followed meditation gurus thinking that the bible is old hat. ACIM and The Chosen series have brought me to you pastor. You have enrich ACIM and The Chosen for me even further. I will be following your prayers every morning when I awake. Thank you. Thanks be to god.💕🙏

  5. God bless you Pastor Rick. I have learned so much from your videos. Thank you.

  6. What a wonderful and extremely important message to hear and practice! Thank you so much for Sharing it, Pastor Rick.
    I think it’s vital to understand that no one should be expected to ignore problems they encounter or always act as though bad things and bad people don’t exist. It is quite normal to experience pain, fear, and frustration. What makes the life-changing difference, as pointed out in this video, is to Not stay in that dejected state. Do your best to keep your focus on what’s Good and what can be done to make things better. And above all else, don’t let Anybody steal your happiness!! It’s very clear to me that far too many seem to be on a mission to do so.

  7. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:29-30

  8. Download the outline here:
    –Pastor Rick’s Daily Hope Team

    1. The Lord has blessed me by discovering you! You have helped me so much. I had been going through something that was hard for me but studying with you and listening to you has given me victory and a new way to look at my life. Thank you Pastor Rick. God bless you and your loved ones!

    2. Pastor Rick,JESUS continue blessed your life, Ministry and family,,you are precious by.JESUS

    3. Wow, never thought of it that way. I have so much to learn and put into action. God, help me

  9. I am always inspired by your message. God’s message. Thank you very much. You are truly a man of God. God bless you and your family always!

    1. It is now 2023 a year later from your comment and just want to say god bless you

  10. One of the greatest acts we can perform & express. If not for this our negative emotions would bring us down & lead to defeat, something we hardly afford at anytime! 👍🙏😇

  11. Thanks Pastor Rick; needed this message today. Life happens and I can lose sight of my blessing. I choose to be happy today remembering God’s goodness and grace.

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