What Seeds Will You Plant This Spring? Pastor Rick Warren Video on Spiritual Parallels

What Seeds Will You Plant This Spring? Pastor Rick Warren Video on Spiritual Parallels

Many of Jesus’ parables have to do with the spiritual parallels to planting and farming. Whether you realize it or not, your life, your family, and even your career is like a spiritual garden. In this message, Pastor Rick shares the 10 laws of spiritual planting. Then, he shows us why we should be thinking about which “seeds” to plant in our lives this spring.

Spiritual Parallels: What Seeds Will You Plant This Spring? by Rick Warren

In the video, Pastor Warren discusses the spiritual parallels between planting seeds in a garden. And, these remain in tune with the seeds we plant in our spiritual lives. Finally, he emphasizes that just as seeds grow in the ground, our actions, thoughts, and prayers can grow spiritual fruit in our lives.

The Importance of Planting Spiritual Seeds

Warren highlights the importance of planting seeds that will lead to spiritual growth. He explains that what we sow in faith will determine the kind of harvest we reap in the future. According to Galatians 6:7,

“A man reaps what he sows.”

Pastor Warren urges his audience to be intentional about what they plant in their lives.

God’s Promises for Growth

Throughout the video, Pastor Warren references biblical promises. Effectively, these assure believers that God will bring growth to the seeds they plant. For example, in 2 Corinthians 9:6, Warren reminds us that

“whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”

He encourages viewers to trust in God’s plan for their spiritual growth.

Sowing Seeds of Faith and Love

Warren concludes by urging viewers to sow seeds of faith and love. He uses James 3:18 to illustrate how planting seeds of peace can lead to righteousness.

“And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” (NASB)

He says, emphasizing that the quality of our seeds determines the nature of our spiritual harvest.

In this season of planting, Pastor Warren encourages everyone to sow seeds that will grow into a fruitful spiritual life.

23 thoughts on “What Seeds Will You Plant This Spring? Pastor Rick Warren Video on Spiritual Parallels

  1. Going on to my fourth time listening to this message, this has got to be the message of 2021 🙌🏾😩

    1. Me too!!! I’ve never printed out the outline before this one either. So it’s not just me 😊

  2. Dear respected Pastor. All your teachings are so blessing to me and church too. You are a great blessing to Christianity.

  3. 🙏🙏🙏 always grateful with ptr Rick’s messages. Thank you ptr rick for allowing God to use you to reach out.

  4. Thank you Pastor clarifying what God has been telling me.. Will plant the “old” idea(seed) now for another business… Puji Tuhan💝 ciao..

  5. This was just what I needed. Some people just minster to you in a special way, and Pastor Warren does that for me. God should continue to use you and give you wisdom to deliver his word. God bless!

  6. Plant a good seed today in a good relationship for tomorrow. From Ontario, Canada

    1. I rewatched this right after it was done just to take notes!! It meant even more the 2nd time! God bless you sister

  7. Thank you Pastor Rick. This message is so powerful🙏🙏🙏Greetings from Brazil

  8. I love how you waited 🤣🤣 I needed that laugh and as always, I need the word. You have impacted my life with the ways you share the word. Thank you, Rick Warren and glory to God!

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