“Withstanding the Winds of Life” with Pastor Rick Warren

Wind is one of the most powerful forces of nature. In fact, all throughout the Bible, God uses wind as a metaphor for the unexpected circumstances that show up in your life. In this message, Pastor Rick Warren describes four different kinds of wind — winds of change, opposition, temptation, and conflict — as well as what the Bible says about withstanding those winds.

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20 thoughts on ““Withstanding the Winds of Life” with Pastor Rick Warren

  1. ‘Lookin’ good, feelin’ good and having the goods’ changes when you go to the next level of spirituality, did you know that Pastor Rick?

  2. Hallelujah to the vision pastor gave me: Jesus coming to me walking on the vary issue that bothering me, praise Jesus for He is a mighty God

  3. Is it possible to post the outlines below the video? It will be helpful for people watching online. Thank you!

  4. Wow, thank you for this message, Pastor Rick, thank you so much for this teaching. You’ve got Wings, Man! God, bless this great teacher, thank you, Lord for this pastor!

  5. Did you notice the wind “behind” Rick the entire time he’s preaching this Godly Truth?

  6. Thank you for reminding me that my God is way bigger than the storm I am facing. So true. Amen to that.

  7. Thank you Pastor for speaking truth! There is so much deception on the social media and news channels. It is all distraction to keep people ignorant of Gods truth!

  8. “When I trust instead of ‘think’, I walk on water instead of ‘sink’!! I like this faith statement! I once heard a testimony of group of indigenous people facing the rushing torrential waters from the mountain that was approaching them; they rushed into their nearby village church building n started praising n worshipping n as the rushing waters neared their wooden building, the waters made a turn n deflected away from it n therefore saved that group of worshippers in a small rural indigenous church

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