Jesus Leaves for Heaven

Bible Study Lessons: Acts 1:1-11 What’s the Hurry? The beginning of the Christian church? It really begins with the resurrection, and when Jesus leaves for heaven. Jesus is now resurrected and has come back to visit, teach and even eat with His disciples. But, did you know that Jesus comes and visits us too? Let’s […]

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Stephen is Stoned in Acts 7:54-60 Bible study lesson.

Stephen is Stoned

In Acts 7:54-60, we witness a powerful moment in the early Christian church. We learn how Stephen was stoned to death for his faith. As the first Christian martyr, Stephen’s stoning marks a pivotal point of both tragedy and profound significance. While delivering his speech to the Sanhedrin Stephen caused such an uproar that the […]

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Prayer of Believers in Acts

Prayer of Believers in Acts

The Bible study lesson today about the prayer of believers in Acts 4 teaches a guidebook to prayer with three points we can use. I’ll list these three prayer points below but we’ll read the Scripture passage first. First, the situation arises right after Peter and John were arrested for speaking about Christ to the […]

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