Bible Study Lesson — Matthew 19:16-30
Jesus often used every opportunity as a teaching moment. When the rich young man approached Him asking what “good thing” he could do in order to go to heaven, Christ points out that he should give up worldly possessions.
Does this mean we are supposed to sell everything we have in order to receive eternal life?
Let’s look closely at this Bible lesson and find out more about what the Scripture from Matthew says..
Jesus and the Rich Young Man – How to Get to Heaven?
“Jesus said to him, ‘If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.’
But when the young man heard this statement, he went away grieving; for he was one who owned much property.”
“Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” – Matthew 19:21-22,24 NASB
This is the Word of the Lord – It is meant to change the way we think, and the way we live.
The Camel and the Eye of the Needle
When mentioning the ten commandments Jesus focused on the ones having to do with relationship to others.
Christ did this throughout the Bible when showing others how to have eternal life in Heaven.
His two commandments he gave were..
- to love God
- and to love your neighbor as yourself.
Simple? Yes! — Easy? No!
Jesus knew that if the disciples (and us) followed those two commands the rest would fall into place.
After all, we would not murder or steal from those whom we love. It is impossible to love God and hate other people.
The Rich Young Man?
When talking about giving all the riches away, is Christ saying that we have to give up everything we own to follow Him?
Of course not. God knows we have a responsibility to support our families and make a living.
But, we do need to change some of the things we focus on like money, work and worries. We should concentrate more on God’s will for our lives.
Using Our Gifts
[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”160″ identifier=”031033750X” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”bobpardphot-20″ width=”107″]When we became Christians, we received special (spiritual) gifts. These gifts should be used for the glory of God.
Sometimes we squander them and distort them in such a way they are useless to us – and to God.
Let’s get in touch with where our talents lie. Pray and ask God to help us use them to glorify Him.
There is no better joy than to use a talent to the benefit of others.
Love in Christ
– Bob
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