Max Lucado video: You'll Get Through This

Max Lucado: You’ll Get Through This

Overwhelmed with Stress? Turn It Over to God

These days, it seems that stress abounds from so many sources.

And, if we let it, this stress can even lead to physical problems like…

  • backaches,
  • headaches,
  • and even heart disease!

Max Lucado knows these stress factors as well as you and I. But, he does have some good news to share in this quick, but thorough video presentation.

Max Lucado Says: You’ll Get Through This

In the television interview with “The 700 Club“, Max Lucado talks about despair and how it can affect our lives for the worse.

Through our own means, we can tend to make things worst instead of better.

But, God can get us through it all. “Through is one of God’s favorite words.”

Promises From God

God makes promises all through the Bible to help us get over the “bumps in the road.” Matthew 19:26 says:

And looking at them Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

So, watch the video to see how God uses terrible life situations for good.

The message for today? Don’t give up! God will get you through this.

Love in Christ,


Finally, if you would like to discover how to receive the love and life-changing experience of Jesus Christ, please take a moment to see John 3:16 here.


The video: Best-selling author Max Lucado shares insights on how to turn to God for hope in life’s difficult times from his latest book, You’ll Get Through This.

Source: The 700 Club