Amir Tsarfati: Be a Light Unto the Nations Video

Amir Tsarfati: Be a Light Unto the Nations Video

I’m happy to share some wonderful videos from Amir Tsarfati — Behold Israel. I believe his insight into Scripture will inspire you to become more involved as a Christian. Reach out to a world who desperately needs our help; and of course, Jesus Christ.

Amir Tsarfati’s “Be a Light Unto the Nations”: Key Points and Bible References

Introduction to the Tsarfati Video

In his video “Be a Light Unto the Nations,” Amir Tsarfati emphasizes the call for believers to serve as a guiding light in a world that increasingly needs spiritual direction. Tsarfati draws on various Biblical passages to illustrate the importance of living out one’s faith and sharing it with others.

Biblical Foundation

Tsarfati bases his message on several key scriptures. He references Matthew 5:14-16, where Jesus instructs His followers to be the “light of the world” and let their light shine before others. This passage underscores the role of Christians in spreading faith and serving as moral examples. Another important reference is Isaiah 49:6, which speaks of Israel’s mission to be “a light for the Gentiles,” highlighting the broader call to evangelize and influence positively beyond one’s immediate community.

The Role of Believers

According to Tsarfati, believers are called to reflect Christ’s light through their actions and words. This involves living out Biblical principles and demonstrating love, kindness, and integrity. By doing so, Christians fulfill their role in influencing society and leading others towards faith.

Practical Application

Tsarfati provides practical advice on how to be a light unto the nations. He encourages believers to engage in regular prayer, study of the scriptures, and active participation in their communities. Sharing faith through personal testimony and outreach activities is also emphasized as a key component of this mission.

You Can Be a Light to Other Nations Too!

Amir Tsarfati’s video “Be a Light Unto the Nations” is a call to action for Christians to embrace their role as spiritual beacons in the world. By following Biblical teachings and actively sharing their faith, believers can make a significant impact on those around them.

For those looking to deepen their understanding of being a light unto the nations, this video provides a clear and Biblically grounded perspective. So, watch this Christian study about becoming a blessing to others.

“Light Unto Nations” Video by Amir Tsarfati

Upon its inception as a nation via Abraham and his descendants thousands of years ago, God vowed to use Israel as a source of blessing to the world – the vessel through which He would make Himself known.

In his new message, Amir Tsarfati (Behold Israel) is joined by special guest Eyal Dror on the Golan Heights to discuss one of Israel’s greatest humanitarian operations in its history. Basically, it reveals how God continues to use His chosen people as an example of how to be a blessing.

  • love your neighbor,
  • and Be a Light Unto the Nations.

See more about Pastor Tsarfati at .

26 thoughts on “Amir Tsarfati: Be a Light Unto the Nations Video

  1. Amir Tsarfati, I am very sorry for the loss of your beloved father. May he rest in peace. He is in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you for being a Light unto the Nations with your ministry. You are fulfilling Jesus’ Greatest commandment. May God Almighty Bless you & keep you, May His face shine upon you & bring you Peace. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. My Family is all with The Lord Christ Jesus and my niece and myself are the only ones left on earth as of now. I’m a believer she’s on her own she doesn’t want to have any contact with me but pray that she one day she comes to Jesus. Please pray for Carleysue To except Jesus as her Saviour.

    2. My heart goes out to you in your time of loss is never without the blessed hope. My grandparents are gone and parents divorced plus my marriage end in divorce plus many heart breaks along the way to Jesus the great physician the healer the sustainer of the life we now live and to come. May peace be with you and family . I know you just got back to the Holy land I will pray for you and all the peace in Heaven flood your heart and soul. Be well God Bless you brother in Christ. Amen Hallulyah

  2. Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day praying for everyone everyday God bless you all ..

    1. when saying according to the scriptures, the meaning is Old Testament. Where in the Old Testament does it explicitly say that?

    2. @Noah Pappas Isaiah 53 whole chapter, Daniel 9:26, Psalms 22:16, Zechariah 12:10.
      God alone forgives sins (Isaiah 43:25), atonement is by blood (Leviticus 17:11).
      God is immaterial but needed a body to be pierced in order to forgive us by shedding His own blood.

  3. SHALOM AMIR PRAYING for you and your family for God’s comfort during this time I’m sorry to hear about your Dad praying also for complete healing of your back and God supernatural strength to enable you to do what you have to do for the further the kingdom of God for such a time is this thank you Amir

  4. Wow. this is almost unbelievable. I loved this. Thank you Amir for doing this. Gives, hope. And we need hope right now. This was miraculous and it’s encouraging to be reminded God is still in the business of doing miraculous things and also what He told us to do. To love. ♥

  5. Thank you for this video,,keep sharing the Gospel and Trusting Jesus.~And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
    Isaiah 2:4 .God Bless you all,and Praying for the Tsarfati family in the Loss of your Father 🙏

  6. Amir I pray our Lord sends a band of angels to surround you and your family with peace and repair your shattered hearts over the loss of your father. Prayers and Love sent your way in Jesus name Amen 🙌✝️🙌

  7. I love this story. Very inspirational. An example for us to follow nit just in an emergency situation as we have done in the past, but on an ongoing practice. Not only for us here in the USA, but, for the whole world to do it simtaneously. Can you imagine?

  8. Thank you Amir for this very inspiring video presentation. It gives us a very refreshing example of God’s work through human instruments who have the courage to step out to help others.

  9. May our Lord always keep you safe brother. May He always guard and protect you and your love ones…..
    Greetings from the Netherlands 🇳🇱🇮🇱

  10. What a beautiful story! No wonder God chose the Jewish people as His own. May the Lord continue to bless Israel and all it’s people!

    1. Amen I just read all of Hosea again and still enjoyed it. A love God has for his people Ephraim and Judah the whole of the twelve tribes . God used hosea to show a greater love for has people than the people could ever imagine while they forgot Him. He knew the extent and degree they distanced themselves from Him yet He said he is God and not man that he would keep His promise but they had to forsake the old ways of idolatry which is spiritual desent. My people perish for a lack of knowledge. Ignorance can be that easy wide road many that many go by. The end of the story was that the return back to Him and The king David which means son of David Jesus the Christ messiah King of Kings Lord of Lords. That even though they sought-after so many other gods . GOD still give them the a way to reverse and return. He explains to them through a person prophet king 🤴 his great love and redemption s availability. As long as that door is open there is hope. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. To worship in truth and in spirit not just word and in tongue. When a Holy God gives that second third fourth chance. Only God could never love us that much and we owe it to each other and everyone else. God bless and amen

  11. This is exactly doing what Jesus would do. What He want’s us to do. Love our enemies. This is how you change hearts and minds for God.

  12. My prayer is that more people would read the OT to understand the miracle of the Jewish people and to see the Glory of God at work through them. I love reading the OT writings myself. I never really appreciated the Jewish Nation until I read it through. God bless you all!

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