Amir Tsarfati Video – Has the Tribulation Begun?

In his video “Has the Tribulation Begun?“, Amir Tsarfati delves into the intricate web of biblical prophecy, primarily drawing from Matthew chapter 24 and other pertinent scriptures.

Understanding the Signs: Has the Tribulation Begun?

Tsarfati seeks to provide clarity on whether the Tribulation, a period of immense turmoil prophesied in the Bible, has commenced.

Interpreting Matthew 24: Unraveling the Signs

Pastor Tsarfati begins by dissecting Matthew 24, where Jesus foretells the signs preceding the end times. He highlights verses such as Matthew 24:6-8, emphasizing the proliferation of wars, famines, and earthquakes as precursors to the Tribulation. Additionally, Tsarfati underscores Matthew 24:15, where Jesus prophesies the “abomination of desolation” standing in the holy place, a pivotal event signaling the Tribulation’s onset

Analyzing Global Events: Are We Witnessing the Fulfillment of Prophecy?

With an astute eye on current affairs, Tsarfati examines global events through the lens of biblical prophecy. He references geopolitical tensions, natural disasters, and societal unrest as indicative of the world’s trajectory towards the Tribulation. Drawing parallels between scripture and contemporary occurrences, Tsarfati prompts viewers to discern the signs of the times.

Exhortation to Vigilance: Responding to the Signs of the Tribulation

Concluding his discourse, Tsarfati exhorts believers to vigilance and spiritual preparedness in light of the signs foretold in scripture. While refraining from definitive assertions about the Tribulation’s commencement, Tsarfati urges discernment and a steadfast focus on Christ amidst tumultuous times. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining faith, prayerfulness, and a readiness for the imminent return of Jesus Christ, as outlined in Matthew 24:42-44.

So, has the tribulation really begun? No one knows for sure. But, Amir Tsarfati’s insightful analysis provides viewers with a comprehensive understanding of the signs preceding the Tribulation, encouraging discernment and spiritual preparedness in uncertain times. Our work is to be prepared, and to make Christ known as we go.

* Amir Tsarfati is author of Behold Israel.


85 thoughts on “Amir Tsarfati Video – Has the Tribulation Begun?

  1. Thank You Lord for allowing me to understand everything through a man of God.
    God bless and protect you Pastor Amir!

    1. He’s not a pastor. Former Israeli military. He is a believer in Jesus. 🙏🏼

    2. Hello, my fellow Christians. Before we talk about Salvation- let’s learn about our Faith. Faith of our Fathers 10 generations. What happens – our eyes open. I invite you all to read about THE FATHERS OF THE CHURCH you can find it online. Let us be true to ourselves and listen to that inner voice.

    3. Not saying he’s wrong, but why is it then that you soon will not be able to buy or sell without the stabby?? They say that the stabby has nano participles nano particles can be commanded or programmed to do many things. Perhaps to later regroup into the right hand or forehead? Instead of looking for the beast “system” which is obvious, he should be looking for where it says the beast has to be here to be worshipped. {Paul I think it was) said the spirt of antichrist was already there in his day. Also the temple does not have to ne there for there to be sacrifice they are already preparing to do sacrifice without a temple there. Americans think that THEY personally will see all these things and that if they haven’t seen a thing it hasn’t happened. BTW I hope he’s right.

    1. @Sam Cohen Yes agree. And indeed for future years to come, 2000 years, God didn’t let the 2000 years go without guidance and timeline prophecy so we know where we are in the stream of time.

    2. @Andre B Jeremiah 16:19   in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.

    3. I wish you were right maybe you should stop talking about what he thinks and just keep reading the Bible Faith comes by hearing and hearing of the word of God not hearing the word of a preacher

    4. I was a bit concerned he said if we are to be caught up to be with Jesus in middle of tribulation that means we will know the date and hour – I don’t recall bible marking the exact relative periods of all events that happen during the period. Those that will get caught up in air to meet Jesus will know the exact date and hour – when it happens. It’s just we can’t put it exactly a number of days before or after the day the 2 witnesses die or relative to the day antichrist enters temple etc many (not all) events have relative time line in relation to one another only so even then some mysteries are still sealed and thus “post tribulation meeting with Jesus” isn’t contradicting to the bible. Jesus said the date and hour no one knows except God the father but I believe NOW Jesus knows or shouldn’t he “know” few days prior to himself returning? It’s mind-boggling for me to think Jesus has been preparing a place for us (not on this earth) and comes to earth few “hour” before he is to do it and not know the exact time as he said when he was on earth

  2. Thank you Amir for speaking the truth. Praying for you, family, and friends from Shepparton, Victoria, Australia. May our Lord Jesus Christ bless all of you

    1. @D P The tribulation is not the wrath of God. In the tribulation the love of many shall grow cold. The tribulation is a test of faith in Christ. I believe that you love your children very much. But it is written love God first and your children second. Paul preached that Love is the greatest. But Truth has to be prioritised above love lest we defend our children based on a lie.

      Ultimately i say unto you, the wrath of God will take place after the days of tribulation. Those who belong to Christ will be taken out before the wrath. Do not fear those who can hurt your body, but fear him who can hurt both your body and spirit. God taught us to love one another. The pastors who teach you to love only yourself do not understand the law of God which was shown through the sacrifice of Jesus which was copied and followed by every missionary who died whilst preaching the gospel of Christ. I know that it would be a difficult time for you as a mother and we all know that children are innocent but if you want to escape the tribulation, pray the Lord’s prayer and mean the words you say and may God who looks upon you from above delight in your humility and may God protect all those who humble themselves before God.

    2. @D P have you figured out what scriptures show you what the 144,000 do. Do you go after everyone. You don’t even know your bible . Did you buy a king James Bible yet . Have you figured out what the Firmament is ?

    3. @D P why don’t you go back and troll Jan markel youtube and you can say hi from me you know jay jay Larry Russell bell. And sunshine and good luck on your pre Rapture. With out Jesus it won’t happen John 17;15

  3. Heavenly Father only You know the day we are taken, I come to You with heavy heart and for You to please shorten the day and take Us home.

    1. @KN I have read Daniel 12 many times and I know I will read it many more .. Christians have no idea whats really going on and they dont want to hear it.. just like they don’t want to understand what the Firmament is and half dont realize its the 2 heaven

    2. @Lalaal Lalala God bless Lebanon. The Word “Lebanon” is so often referred To in the Holy Bible. May the Lord restore peace, joy, prosperity in this nice country. May many Lebanese comme To the One True Savior : Jesus the Messiah (Yessou3 El Massih). Amen

    3. @DSM N and God bless you and ur Country rab ybarkak lord jesus come quickly and save us

    4. @AHReporting, LLC one day you might wake up and I pray that you will.
      You are going to be here throughout tribulation sorry ..
      Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution
      2 Timothy 3:12

      For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better.Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.
      Philippines 1: 23,24

      My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
      Because you have rejected knowledge,
      I also will reject you from being priest for Me;
      Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
      I also will forget your children.
      Hosea 4:6
      John 3:12
      If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?

  4. Thank you Amir, may our Father protect you as you go about honouring his command!!

    1. Not saying he’s wrong, but why is it then that you soon will not be able to buy or sell without the stabby?? They say that the stabby has nano participles nano particles can be commanded or programmed to do many things. Perhaps to later regroup into the right hand or forehead? Instead of looking for the beast “system” which is obvious, he should be looking for where it says the beast has to be here to be worshipped. {Paul I think it was) said the spirt of antichrist was already there in his day. Also the temple does not have to ne there for there to be sacrifice they are already preparing to do sacrifice without a temple there. Americans think that THEY personally will see all these things and that if they haven’t seen a thing it hasn’t happened. BTW I hope he’s right.

  5. Safe travels Amir. God bless you for all you do. A good reminder not to get caught up in everything going on, because our Lord is with us. We are not to worry. He will take us FROM the hour of wrath. Praise God!

    1. @Brittany Welsh you need Jesus in your life . Ask and repeat and it will be so

    2. Not saying he’s wrong, but why is it then that you soon will not be able to buy or sell without the stabby?? They say that the stabby has nano participles nano particles can be commanded or programmed to do many things. Perhaps to later regroup into the right hand or forehead? Instead of looking for the beast “system” which is obvious, he should be looking for where it says the beast has to be here to be worshipped. {Paul I think it was) said the spirt of antichrist was already there in his day. Also the temple does not have to ne there for there to be sacrifice they are already preparing to do sacrifice without a temple there. Americans think that THEY personally will see all these things and that if they haven’t seen a thing it hasn’t happened. BTW I hope he’s right.

    3. Is going to church on Sunday the will of God? Or living in Christian Communal Community 24/7 ?

    4. @Tom Zeman Tom it depends what church.aChurch that has corrupted the word of God or a church of sound doctrines of course you can ask Jesus yourself and he will give you the answer your looking for. A good place to start is go online and get a Ruckman reference Bible from the Bible bookstore.

  6. My daughters won’t speak to us. It breaks my heart but I won’t compromise my relationship with God for anyone. Please pray for me and them.

    1. @Yvonne Rahui pray the evil away … lol
      I’m sure people said that when they were going to Gas chambers …

    2. @Yvonne Rahui oh nothing to make them feel horrible mainly thoughts, mostly instructions. Warnings of who to watch out for, back up with scriptures. Thank you, your right I don’t want to leave them hurting more.

    3. That’s the hard part about non believers… but god always comes first! I too don’t agree with my Catholic family members

    1. Not saying he’s wrong, but why is it then that you soon will not be able to buy or sell without the stabby?? They say that the stabby has nano participles nano particles can be commanded or programmed to do many things. Perhaps to later regroup into the right hand or forehead? Instead of looking for the beast “system” which is obvious, he should be looking for where it says the beast has to be here to be worshipped. {Paul I think it was) said the spirt of antichrist was already there in his day. Also the temple does not have to ne there for there to be sacrifice they are already preparing to do sacrifice without a temple there. Americans think that THEY personally will see all these things and that if they haven’t seen a thing it hasn’t happened. BTW I hope he’s right.

  7. Tribulation has not started yet, but soon will… We are at The End of Times! Seek Jesus with your whole heart and keep him near daily. Jesus is coming soon! Shalom. 💕

    1. Yes they are talking about all this Ufo disclosure now – that Luis Elizondo guy says the DOD Leadership thinks they are demons. This will be the Delusion spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:11. They now know it’s almost time, so they are getting ready to disclose now after 73 years – all happening as the generation of the fig tree parable is coming to a close – coincidence?

    2. @Tellingitlikeitis
      Zechariah 5:1-4
      This is real but they have always been here. They can’t get through the Firmament witch is the second heaven. I would say a bunch of demons

    3. @Country gal the fourth horseman wastheoughthe dark ages. Plagues and famines, estulences…again as we are experiencing now and in short history…God bless

    4. @Country gal sorry he has, he showed himself as headof the ecumenical church, and re wrote the boble in 2020, bible 2000…and changed the lords prayer and maintains the title vicariu fili dei… God vless and prayalways

  8. God hasn’t just seen these things happen but He has ordained them and He is the author of all.

    1. Hello, my fellow Christians. Before we talk about Salvation- let’s learn about our Faith. Faith of our Fathers 10 generations. What happens – our eyes open. I invite you all to read about THE FATHERS OF THE CHURCH you can find it online. Let us be true to ourselves and listen to that inner voice.

    2. Not saying he’s wrong, but why is it then that you soon will not be able to buy or sell without the stabby?? They say that the stabby has nano participles nano particles can be commanded or programmed to do many things. Perhaps to later regroup into the right hand or forehead? Instead of looking for the beast “system” which is obvious, he should be looking for where it says the beast has to be here to be worshipped. {Paul I think it was) said the spirt of antichrist was already there in his day. Also the temple does not have to ne there for there to be sacrifice they are already preparing to do sacrifice without a temple there. Americans think that THEY personally will see all these things and that if they haven’t seen a thing it hasn’t happened. BTW I hope he’s right.

    3. He ordained them because he knew that we’re evil. It’s the price we pay for our evil doing

  9. This is such an illuminating and uplifting message for such a time as this. I have learned much and been greatly encouraged. Thank you and God bless you, your family, and Israel.


    1. I really pray for you all in SA. I still have lots of family and friends there and it is so heart breaking to see what is happening. But there is trouble happening every where even here in the UK and soon no one will be immune from it! But we rejoice knowing that our redemption draweth nigh!


    3. Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE is The Savior

      YaH The Heavenly FATHER HIMSELF was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”

      From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: 
      “Yad He Vav He” is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)

      Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
      Yad – “Behold The Hand”
      He – “Behold the Breath”
      Vav – “Behold The NAIL” <— YaH’s Crucifixion He - "Behold the Breath" “Behold the HAND that Beholds The NAIL”  PROVES - YAH The Heavenly Father HIMSELF was Who they Crucified, NOT jesus That is EXACTLY what Moses Wrote Here is what they mean YaH's Name: (Ya)d + (H)e, as YaH is what Moses called Him and YaH Declared: "this is My Name, this is My Name for all generations" (Exodus 3) YaH is The Creator of “MAN”: Yad He, (HAND BREATH), as YaH's "HAND" Formed man from the dust  of the Earth and His "BREATH" made him a living being (Adam) YaH's Sacrifice of Crucifixion for “MAN”: Vav He (NAIL BREATH), the "NAIL" through YaH’s "HAND", that whosoever shall call YaH Savior, His “BREATH” brings forth life (Salvation) How YaH arrives: YaH arrives via the Tent of Meeting (Exodus 33:7:11, Isaiah 54, 55), where a Tent is erected outside the city, a cloud descends upon the entrance of the Tent and YaH appears... Why they demanded YaH to be Crucified: YaH was Crucified according to Hebrew law (Deuteronomy 21), to be Hung on an Almond Tree for BLASPHEMY as it was for His NAME they demanded Him Crucified. The Messiah claimed He was YaH... HE WAS YaH!!! HalleluYAH “Praise ye YaH” From The Hebrew Book of Isaiah Isaiah 42:8 "I am YaH; that is my Name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols. Isaiah 43:11 I, I am YAH, and there is no other Savior but Me. Isaiah 45:5 I am YaH, and there is none else.

    1. We are home. Our inheritance is the land. Greek Mythology, Platonism etc have a heavenly hope. Learn your Bible.

    2. I’m so sorry, we ALL want to avoid these trials. But they are coming and Jesus is not returning for us until after the Trib. He says so plainly in Matthew and Mark. Please read them, and don’t fall for the lies about the latest version of the sickness. It’s just a lie meant to get you to take the stab, which is deadly. They are starting to mandate it here now. Everything they’ve said is lies. You must pray and prepare for terrible times ahead. You must prepare your children as well.

    3. @Duan Romine
      What are you believing? And where are you receiving your teaching from?
      The Word of God is very clear and absolutely true, which says to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we must be Born Again. These are the Words of Jesus.
      I am Born Again and when I die, I will go to Heaven to be with my Savior Jesus Christ, as will ALL True Believers.
      Have you been Born Again? There is no such thing as Paradise on earth, not this Earth, but there WILL be the Kingdom of Jesus during His Thousand Year Reign here. After which there will be a new Heaven and a new Earth… The old things will pass away. Until then, there IS the old Heaven still, and all Believers who have left this world are there right now, waiting for the Last Days to pass. Jesus is there at the Right Hand of God, and ALL Believers are seated with Him there.
      This is the True and sacred Word of God above which there is no other Truth.
      It would serve you well to open your heart to learning it. It will change your life forever.
      The King James Version Bible; the most excellent translation. This is full of POWER of the Holy Spirit.

  11. My mom used to always say: Israel is Gods time clock. Thank you Amir for helping me stay on track during difficult times!

    1. @Roberto Velez exactly my point, no one loves there neighbor, it is so sad. Wow if you can’t love, how do you love yourself or your creator Our Heavenly Father

    2. Doesn’t work like that. My consciousness is what dictates the flow of time. As much as that may piss some off as it doesn’t fit a “strict” timeline, it is what it is. My bad.

    3. I associate biblical shifts with Jewish holidays. It’s like clockwork.

    4. @No names Please ‘Israel’ is a pariah ‘state’ of lies, deception, murder, humiliation of the rightful people to that land (the Palestinians), and illegal occupation. It has no link in any shape or form to the Ancient Israelites. The occupiers are largely converted ‘Jews’ from eastern Europe. As Nasser said: “You left black and came back white.” The truth is hard to take I understand but the Truth will always be the Truth.

    1. @SeventiesLove
      Hang In there.
      I see you know your ABBA’s WORD &
      understand well what’s written .. We’ll just have to pray for them & be there when they finally realise the truth
      themselves ..
      There’s no pre trib..
      G0D Remembered
      Naoh, but he didn’t raise
      that boat out of the water
      nor let it rain around it
      Noah had to build for year’s and go thru that flood.. G0D BLESS, Y0U MY SISTER IN
      Selah, 🙏 📖 💕…

    2. @SeventiesLove you show me you are clothed in the Holy Spirit, peace and love to you. I bless you in the name of Yeshua.


  12. God is like oxygen you can’t see Him but you can’t live without Him. Holy Holy is the Lord and to God all the Glory Halleluja Amen 🙏🎺☁️👑Come Lord Jesus Come Quickly.

    1. BEAUTIFUL ‼️🙏💕❤️ and AMEN‼️🙏🙏🙏🌟✨🌟✨🌟💕❤️

  13. Our Lord is pure love, keep your faith. We all need to help each other out.

  14. Lord, please soften the hearts of my children and open their eyes to the truth. Give them a new heart and new spirit. All glory to you Jesus!

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