The Ascension of Christ

Jesus Ascends into Heaven

The Ascension of Christ — A Conclusion with a New Beginning.. The Easter story “ends” here with Jesus descending into heaven and sending out His disciples to preach the good news according to the great commission. But, this is by no means the end of the Christian story as you will later see. In this […]

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Jesus Appears to the Disciples

Jesus Appears to the Disciples

In this Bible lesson from Mark, two believers saw the risen Jesus. But, the disciples didn’t believe them. In this study, we’ll learn, in order to share Christ, we first have to know Him ourselves. The disciples knew Jesus personally, spent three years with Christ foretelling what was going to take place — but, they […]

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Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

During this busy season of spring break and Easter vacation planning, let’s take a pause and focus on the true Easter story. I believe you will be uplifted by the events following the crucifixion. But, most importantly, God will be uplifted too! The Celebration of Easter Many people celebrate the Easter holiday by traveling or […]

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Easter - The Death of Jesus Christ

Easter – The Death of Jesus Christ

The day of Easter comes nearer as Jesus is placed on the cross. But, in three days He rises again after taking on our sin so that we may live. The continuing story of Easter is told by Mark and other apostles in the New Testament. It shows how Christ died on the cross, took […]

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Jesus Dies on the Cross Easter

Jesus Dies on the Cross

When Christ took his last breath, the people and His disciples thought it was all over. But now, reading the Easter story in the Bible we know that this is the new beginning, the start of the New Testament of Christ. It was given to us through the cross. And, with this sacrifice He made, […]

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Jesus Stands Trial before Pilate

Jesus Stands Trial before Pilate

Pilate asks Jesus; “Are you the king of the Jews?” Christ doesn’t answer. Why? Find out in this part of the Easter story what God has planned for Jesus – – and for us! In this Bible study lesson from the Book of Mark, we’ll discover the character of Jesus. He even amazed the Roman […]

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