Israel and idolatry

Death of Jacob – When We Lose Loved Ones

Genesis Bible Study about Jacob’s Death, Verses 50:1-14

Death of Jacob
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Joseph Mourns. Joseph mourned the death of his father Jacob, for a long period of time.

This Bible study lesson is about taking the time to grieve when a loved one dies – something many of us don’t do completely.

But we should.

Read the Bible passage here:



Commentary by Bob Pardue

The Death of Israel – A Time for Mourning

In this passage from Genesis, Joseph goes back to Canaan to bury his father, Jacob (Israel).

Not an unusual ritual – we have funerals and grieve for our loved ones just as Joseph did, sometimes all too often it seems.

How Old Was Jacob?

A footnote is that Jacob lived a long and enriching life – he was 147 years old when he died.

Even so, this did not comfort his son. Joseph set aside the time to grieve his father’s death and felt a deep sense of loss when Israel died.

Taking Time to Grieve

When we lose a loved one, we also need to take time to grieve our loss.

Some people hold their feelings inside. Some turn it into anger or resentment.

But the Bible shows that Joseph “let it out” and spent a long period to help him get through the pain of losing his father.

Human Emotional Needs

The process of grief cannot be shortened by withheld feelings or indulging ourselves in work or other activities.

We need to cry; we need to reflect on what has happened and allow ourselves to work through the grieving period so that we can continue to have a healthy mental outlook.

Talk to God, He Understands

When grieving, talk to God.

He will not reverse the fact that someone you love has left this earth, but He will offer comfort in knowing that He too lost someone in His life – Jesus Christ.

God felt the same pain through death of a loved one that we experience. Keep the faith, and let yourself cry to emote outwardly what you are feeling.

Life is Temporary, Isn’t It?

Death is a subject we don’t like to think about but it is a natural part of life.

[easyazon_image align=”left” height=”160″ identifier=”0310340756″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”bobpardphot-20″ width=”111″]The great news is, by belief and acceptance of Christ as our Savior, we have the comfort of knowing that this earth is just a stopping point on the way to eternal life.

It’s a wonderful experience we need to share with everyone we love, and everyone we meet. Don’t you agree?

Love in Christ

– Bob

If you feel you would like to learn more about how to receive the love and life-changing experience of Jesus Christ, please take a moment to go here to Read John 3:16.

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