How Faith Removes Anxieties - Young Christians Face Dilemma

How Faith Removes Anxieties – Young Christians Face Dilemma

Discover How Faith Removes Anxieties – Understanding Anxiety in Young Christians

Anxiety attacks are a stark reality in the lives of many young Christians. These attacks can manifest as nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, lack of appetite, and restlessness. These physical symptoms are signals of underlying emotional and psychological distress. Despite their spiritual commitment, many church-going teenagers and young adults find themselves grappling with the challenge of sharing their faith. They feel burdened by self-doubt and apprehensions.

The Struggle of Young Evangelists

Many young evangelists and missionaries feel strong urges to share their faith. Some describe it as a “fire within” that cannot be contained. However, this Christian passion is frequently tempered by a lack of confidence in their abilities or “spiritual gifts.” This internal conflict can lead to anxiety. It causes them to question their fitness for the task. So, they shy away from the responsibility given by their church. This struggle is common. It expresses the difficulty of balancing spiritual conviction with emotional well-being.

Biblical Insights on Overcoming Anxiety

The Bible provides valuable insights into overcoming anxiety through faith. One notable example is the story of Abraham, a great patriarch of faith who faced significant anxiety and stress. In this passage, God commanded Abraham to leave his luxurious life in Ur and travel to a foreign land. His journey was filled with uncertainties and challenges. Despite his anxiety, Abraham obeyed God. In fact, he embarked on his “journey of faith,” ultimately becoming the “Father of all Nations”. His obedience to God resulted in the nation of Israel.

The story of Abraham teaches us that we can overcome anxiety through faith and trust in God. Proverbs states this clearly in 3:5-6 (NIV),

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

By trusting in God’s promises and submitting to His will, even the most anxious individuals can find strength and courage.

Faith Refined Through Trials

The journey of faith is often accompanied by trials that test and refine our beliefs. God tested Abraham’s faith. But, through these challenges his convictions grew stronger. Ultimately, Abraham’s life serves as a powerful example of how accepting and overcoming anxiety can lead to spiritual growth and renewal. As James 1:2-4 (NIV version) reminds us,

“..Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

By embracing challenges and the anxieties that naturally come as part of life, individuals exercise their faith. And, they find a more blessed future with God. This journey requires patience, trust, and a commitment to spiritual growth, ultimately leading to a deeper, more resilient faith.

** If you would like to learn how you can receive the love of Jesus Christ, start here.

NOTE: Please be advised that I am not a medical doctor, nor a psychologist. If your teen is suffering from extreme anxiety, please seek professional help.