Learn How To Trust God’s Timing with Rick Warren

— Have you ever waited on God for something you desperately needed? Maybe it was a job, a spouse, a repaired relationship, a clean bill of health, or direction for your life. The Christmas story is also a story of waiting — the world was waiting for a Savior, and God answered that need by sending his Son, Jesus, to Earth at just the right time in history. In this special Christmas message, Pastor Rick Warren shows us how we can trust God’s perfect timing in our own lives. By looking at the example of Jesus’ birth, we can trust a God who overcomes our fear, teaches us patience, reminds us of his promises, and tells us to never give up.

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(Don't give up) (God's timing) (God's plan) (Life encouragement) (Patience) (My dream) (Home with God) (Church home) (Right timing) (God's appointment) (Christmas message) (Christmas day) (Rick Warren) (Christmas at Saddleback) (Christmas 2018). (Delays in life) (Trusting God) (Stress relief) (God is never in a hurry)

41 thoughts on “Learn How To Trust God’s Timing with Rick Warren

  1. I will just correct this one thing.. God has revealed things to me before it happened. Some things. So I do personally believe that he can reveal things personal to us before it’s timing.

    1. True, he has also revealed to me. This is part of the prophetic spiritual gift. But remember somewhere in 1 Corienthians 12-14 it speaks about how we prophesy in part. Therefore he shows you a puzzle piece of what will happen. We don’t make life changing decisions based on one puzzle piece but add it to Gods word, advice from mentors, Christian community and prayer and journalling with the Holy Spirit.

    2. Put Jesus First Jessica Mary I 100% believe this – god puts things in my life related to the future I had no idea about, he gives me signs and guidance of things that are about to happen or will happen , I trust him with everything in my life – I believe I have a gift , and I want to share it with the world

    3. Thé Bible calls it the word of knowledge, He certainly speaks of things to come. It is one of things Jesus tought as ministry of the Holy Spirit. Yet this is in alignment with what Rick teaches: as this is the ministry of the Holy Spirit, we cannot initiate this word of knowledge. It’s totally administrated by Him. He chooses what to let us know, it’s certainly not necessarily everything He has in His plan for us.

  2. I’m waiting on God’s timing to alleviate my sadness and grief from my husband of 53 years dying 5 1/2 months ago. I do trust that God means to teach me lessons of how I can help others while they are grieving. But the sadness right now is just overwhelming. It’s really a test of my being able to keep from falling into despair…hardest thing I have ever had to do. I pray, read the Bible, cry and then do it all over again. One day when I go to Heaven to meet Jesus and see Jimmie again, all sadness and grief will be over. I have to hold onto that. Diane in North Carolina

    1. Praying that the God of comfort comes near and ministers to your heart. 1/2 of you is gone. You lived with him probably longer than you lived separate. This takes time. Your heart is in the right place. Grieving is so understandable. You will find a new life. You will find new ways , they will unfold as you walk with God.- ❤️ He is near.

    2. @Donna King Thank you very, very much for your kind words, Donna. Yes, we married when I was 18 years old…I’ve never lived alone. I do take comfort in knowing that God has never left my side. Surely the sadness will go away one day, even if that day doesn’t come until God takes me to Heaven. Thanks again for taking time to reach out to me. Diane

    3. My husband died so I know how you feel.i don’t think its something you get over but you do learn to live with it or in my case anyway.yesterday was hes birthday and I still cry a on day like that I miss him but life goes on .I’ll be praying for you .God bless hang in there

    4. @Cynthia Corbitt Thank you so much for your comments. We don’t have a choice, do we? We have to go on somehow. I know yesterday was hard for you. I’m really sorry that you lost your husband. I’ll be praying for you too.

  3. Thank you so much pastor Rick Warren, God Almighty will continue to strengthen you in Jesus Mighty Name Amen.

  4. I am struggling to find a job. I am waiting for my visa grant and because of the visa situation i am unable to secure a job. This message was for me. Thank you Jesus for bringing me to this video as i am too stressed out. Thank you.

    1. mark joseph abdul thank God for all He has done ✅ for you!
      Show gratitude 🙏, God appreciate that a lot.
      Thank Him for all You are expecting Him to do, because He has done ✅ it already.
      Thank God for the job that has not come yet,
      Give Him the Glory for everything!
      It’s well!
      Psalm 37:4 & 5 to 6 is for you please read!
      Please read proverbs 3:5, and for healing read it to verse 8.
      I was once in search for job!
      I kept trusting and hoping for God time, here I am today,
      God gave me job and I am doing well.
      Learn how to trust and wait patiently.
      All your wasted years will be restored back to you!
      Bless you!

    2. Pray: Revelation Chapter 3 verse 8
      I know your works. Because you have limited strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name, look, I have placed before you an open door that no one is able to close.

    3. Congrats Mark. Thanks for Gods perfect timing. I am in God’s waiting room at the moment , looking for a job opportunity. Hopefully he will open the door if it’s in his plan and timetable. I faithfully trust in God and will be patient. I know God is building up my character. Thanks for Rick’s video.

  5. I am one of those in God’s waiting room. Turning 39 and still unmarried but wishing for a loving lifetime partner. Broken hearted before, so I tried going out to meet guys but nobody seem to notice me. It is as if I am being hidden despite my best efforts. This has been my prayer request for years but it’s hurting me now. Still praying that God will hear me out… 🙏🏼

    1. Butterfly Flores Just pray for marriages in your church and and in your family.. Every thing you desire for your marriage pray for marriages. They are so many challenging situations in marriages today. I prayed for marriages and today I am married. God is good to us, I will pray for you.

    2. @Butterfly Flores I think we should make a move. We shouldn’t be shy. Pray to God but need to do our part as well. Let’s act!!!! Tell your crush that you like him. Don’t just stay quiet and shy.

    3. I am so thankful to meet you all on here 🙂 it is such a pleasure 🙂 I am thankful that there are so many great and caring people out there it is truly encouraging and inspiring. God bless you all 🙂 Relationships and marriages do seem so difficult. Let me know if I can pray with you or for you?

  6. Indeed a message for me, not to give up on that dream of mine that is yet to become a reality. Thank you Pastor Rick.

  7. Waiting on Gods promise can be very difficult but worth it. If u ever want to take things into your own hands read the story of Abraham and that should stop you.

  8. My all time favorite pastor! I listen to the podcast everyday,great teacher to the word of God!God bless you pastor Rick Warren

  9. I have been waiting patiently and faithfully. I trust only Jesus that he will answer and take care of me.

  10. It was such a wonderful massage for me. Thank you so much for sharing this vedio. I am so stressed and restless, but now I know how much I stress and worry it jst the waste of time. I’m blessed with your lovely massage. Thank you Rick Warren may God continue to bless you and save millions of souls.

  11. Thank so much Pastor Rick Warren you are just amazing blessing to the global body of Christ.

  12. Such a wonderful sermon as always. God bless you, Pastor Rick, and everyone here!

  13. Thank you Lord God for the preaching I will truly trust in you all the time!!!

  14. Thank you Pastor Rick Warren for inspiring us every day with God’s words. You are such a blessing indeed.

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