Prophecy Roundtable: Holding Fast in a Changing World video with Amir Tsarfati et al. Learn to keep faith through these times.

Keeping Faith and Holding Fast in a Changing World with Amir Tsarfati et al

Amir Tsarfati Video: Holding Fast in a Changing World & Key Insights on End Times and Faith


In the video “Prophecy Roundtable: Holding Fast in a Changing World,” Amir Tsarfati discusses the significance of staying steadfast in faith amid the rapidly changing global landscape. The roundtable explores how biblical prophecies relate to current events and offers guidance on maintaining spiritual strength.

Biblical Foundation for Faith in the Last Days

Emphasizing the importance of adhering to biblical truths as outlined in 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the teacher describes the difficult last days. He references Matthew 24:6-7 to highlight the signs of the end times, such as wars and natural disasters. Equally important, this scriptural foundation underpins his message of preparedness and resilience.

Current Events and Prophecy

The discussion ties contemporary events to prophetic scripture, illustrating how global turmoil aligns with biblical forecasts. Tsarfati points out that such alignment is evidence of the prophetic timeline described in the Bible. For instance, he refers to Ezekiel 38-39, which speaks of future conflicts involving Israel.

Practical Faith Application

Pastor Tsarfati advises viewers to strengthen their faith and stay vigilant. He suggests practical steps for spiritual endurance, including regular prayer and study of the Scriptures. This advice is anchored in Hebrews 12:1-2, which encourages believers to fix their eyes on Jesus amid life’s trials.


Amir Tsarfati’s video provides a thought-provoking examination of end times prophecies, urging Christians to hold fast to their faith. By connecting biblical prophecy with current events, Tsarfati offers valuable insights for navigating these challenging times with a strong spiritual foundation. Join Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell, and Pastor Barry Stagner for a Prophecy Roundtable live on Facebook and YouTube video. Watch as they discuss Holding Fast in a Changing World.


54 thoughts on “Keeping Faith and Holding Fast in a Changing World with Amir Tsarfati et al

  1. Thank you Amir Jan Barry and Mike. God is using all of you to tell the world Jesus is our only escape. May the Lord Bless you all and keep you safe 🙏👑🙏

    1. I thank GOD for you all, for your Faithfulness to share with us the gos pill so daily if not weekly, because it helps us to stay focused and to remember our blessed HOPE because GOD keeps HIS appointments. We are being helped by you all to stay in the WORD, have ears to hear and eyes to see and stay in TRUTH. I pray that GOD continually bless and keep you safe. Amir,s end prayer of Numbers 24: 6 be upon you always. I love it.

    2. @Debora Telma To God all the Glory. More of God and les of me I’m so thankful for all God does for me. So for so long as I live I will spread the Gospel and Pray for the lost. God is Worthy all the Glory and Worship Halleluja. May the Lord Bless you sister 🙏❤💖

    3. Job was a righteous man, he loved God, and eschewed evil. He was perfect in his generations. GOD had this testimony of him when he asked satan….have you considered my servant Job…..satan said ..take your hedge from about him and he will curse you to your face, God said.. all he has is in your hand…..Job prevailed….satan said touch his flesh and he will deny you…Job prevailed….remember job was faithful, even when job said though God slay me still will I trust him,
      Satan’s accusations against job were proven to be false, only after he was tried…I believe job is a picture of the Body of Christ. When the body of Christ has grown up to the fullness of the stature of the body of Christ, the fullness of the son of perdition will be grown also…the harvest will be the end of the world and the reapers will are the angels.. remember job and that he had this testimony,
      GOD IS FAITHFUL…and they over came him by the Blood of the lamb, and the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives even unto death….I believe in the rapture… it’s called the blessed hope, that whether we live or die we are the lords, so comfort one another with these words…many people have already sealed their testimony with their blood, and there souls are in heaven now with Christ, this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world as a testimony, then the end will come….hold fast brothers and sisters, because the whole world is going to see the true believers very soon, there shall be a great falling away, and the man of sin will be revealed, the son of perdition, he is the opposite of christ.. he is filled with unbelief, he is full of murder, debate, fornication,adultery, etc..he is full of the wrath of God… cain hated his brother able in a great house , there are many vessels, some to honor, some tio dishonor..but if a man shall purge himself from these things he shall be a vessel unto honor, The body of Christ, is the son of God, . Christ being the head of that body, is called, and chosen and faithful….there is another body in this world , and they will have one mind, and one purpose, to silence the Voice of truth in this earth… are the light of the world…walk in the light as he is in the light….for if that light that is in you be turned into darkness, how great is that darkness….we are children of light. Children of the Day..for .that day shall not come upon us as a thief….for when they shall say peace…. peace…. safety…..then sudden destruction comes upon them and they shall not escape.
      Repent , be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins that are past and you shall recieve the gift of the HOLY GHOST. For the promise is unto you..:the jew first, and then to the gentile, as many as the Lord our God shall call…..All that call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved…and behold I show you a mystery,, there shall no longer be two nations. But there shall be one new man, the Lord Jesus Christ. No longer jew, no longer gentile,One New Man…..believe the gospel…is is the power of God to all who believe…pray for the jew, for if the breaking off of the jew be the reconciling of the world, what shall the recieving of them be but Life from the dead…the resurrection is Jesus. And when he returns we will be like him…for we shall see him as he is….Thank you for your blood Jesus, thankyou for your Spirit, and thankyou for our brothers and sisters who you have loved …. one quickly Lord, come quickly……

  2. God took my only child Home already he was 36 years old and the Holy Spirit let me know Chris’ spirit is alive with Abba Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. My son is Home and on top of all this I’m dealing with grief too from the loss of my son and now no one is here. By myself. I have the Holy Spirit in me and Praise Jesus Amen 🙏 🇮🇱🇱🇷

    1. It is so hard to lose a child. I lost my oldest daughter a week after she graduated from high school. So I know the long dark tunnel that you have to go through. Thank heavens you have Jesus and the Holy Spirit in you. There is light at the end of the tunnel. See if there is a grief group you can join. I pray for peace, strength and endurance for you. God bless

    2. @Ruth Lewis thank you and I am at a grief share group at another church than I go to. God bless you and your loss for we both walk in the same shoes.

    3. @Meliora Etude You will not enter the Kingdom of heaven by hoping. I want to meet you in heaven some day! But to get there you have to take decisive action. You must believe Jesus shed His blood to pay your sin-debt. You must repent (turn away) from any sin in your life, and you must pray to Jesus and ask Him to come into your heart and save you. I pray that you will do that now, before you are tragically left behind!

    4. i am blessed with your heavenly minds… thank you and God bless us who seeks God in preparation of our plight in our permanent home with Jesus Christ.

    5. Rebecca My son Daniel went to heaven at the age of 29. He was a gift to me on my 25th birthday. I know your heart wrenching heart ache. There’s no grief like the one when you lose your child. I miss him every day. I’m looking so forward to the Rapture to see Jesus and Daniel. My mother..father..two brothers..niece..nephew and great niece all in heaven. I’m alone too. I do have a brother but our relationship is distance. I have another son but I’m pretty much to myself. The name of the Lord is a Strong Tower…the righteous run into it and is safe. We are safe in Jesus. Soon and very soon we will meet in heaven. Bless you sister, love you💞

  3. Love the insights on Daniel starting about 20 minutes into this. I’ve said God has already determined the number of days of my life, no government mandates are going to change that. But here was said *there is no REASON to answer you* – I wish people I know would “hear” this. It seriously grieves me to see people trusting in gov over God.

    1. @Island Man
      Why did James run to the church in Jerusalem?
      A leopard is different to a virus with about 0.5% chance of dying (much less for under 20’s).
      I’ve nursed lepers, if sores are covered you’re fine near them: even if not covered it takes close bodily contact to catch.
      I didn’t wear a gown or mask when cleaning the open areas & putting clean dressings on, just a pair of gloves.
      P.S. punctuation would help.

    2. I went looking for “there is no reason to answer you” yes, that’s the gist of it I suppose.

      Daniel 3 KJV
      16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, answered and said to the king, O Nebuchadnezzar, we are not careful to answer thee in this matter. 
      17 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. 
      18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

  4. This round table was a huge blessing and each scripture was perfect. I shared these verses with many others. Thank you Amir, Jan and Barry, may God continue to give you strength for the journey and wisdom for these days!

    1. Yes share this please let 🙏your family n friends know the truth about Jesus and the true prophetic that 🙏is happening 🙏❤🙌in our times now!@

  5. Thank-you Jan for that closing scripture and prayer. That is the key to get us through these hard times. Keep your eyes on the things above. Keep your eyes/mind on Jesus!

  6. Let’s admit it, we’re no different from Peter when it comes to facing the big waves of life. Let’s put our focus back on Christ, the only one who can save us!

  7. I love and am in tune with the deeply self-convicting, self-searching tone of this conversation/update/whatever you want to call it. Amen-amen & God bless! Greetings from Romania! 🇷🇴🇮🇱🇺🇸

    1. @Woodsman7 thanks, brother! I guess I should have added the Canadian flag too. 🤜🏻🤛🏻

  8. Love this time together to teach and to support believers of our King Lord Jesus! LET NOT YOUR HEART BE TROUBLED!

    1. Let not your heart be troubled …God bless us all in Jesus name amen 🇺🇸🙏🙌❤God be with us and our families now and write ✍🙏🙌❤our names in the Lambs book of life 🙏in Jesus name amen and Glory to God amen

  9. I struggled like most everyone else about the demise of America….the injustice and deception and everything else angered me and it was hard to let go of my idea of what I thought America is/was/should be. I’m over all that now….I truly believe that. And I HAVE turned from being angry and offended by what the “world” is doing to having this overwhelming desire to see people saved….especially my family !! I see the time approaching and I am afraid for my unsaved family and those around me who don’t know Him…..and also a fear of God concerning my complacency and need to get my house in order !! God help us get ready to meet you and to be diligent to reach out to those around us and bring them with us when You call us Home !! <3

    1. I understand exactly what what you’re saying ! I have been feeling the exact same way , about America, my family members & friends. My focus has been sharing Gods words & the love of christ with All ! As you put it so well , getting your house in order ! Continually staying in Gods word, trusting, watching & waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ to come get us 🙏 May God Bless & protect everyone single one of us Trusting & waiting for his return!

  10. Bless you, precious people of our God. The shift of perspective from the dread of what’s attacking our ‘normal’ here in Australia, to the eternal perspective of He who is coming to take us to our true home, is what I so desperately needed to hear today. It’s my 61st birthday and I needed HOPE more than any other gift. I thank you all for speaking out God’s biblical reassurance to his children that Jesus IS coming and that our greatest focus should be to proclaim this to the lost…
    May he protect and bless you until we meet in Heaven…

    1. Happy birthday Sharon! Stay the course Sister! You’re not alone 🙏💜 ✝️

    2. Happy and blessed Birthday Sharon God’s love and comfort to you 🙏🤗💓🇨🇦

    3. Stay strong in the Lord. He Is our only hope. No man or government can ever give us that. Psalms 1456:3-5

  11. I had all the same concerns and questions! They have been almost paralyzing, and I want to be God’s mouth, hands and feet right now. Thank you for the hope and encouragement from your wisdom! God has blessed you all and you bless the world by reminding us of God’s promises!!!

  12. As Americans and Westerners, I don’t believe we should passively, silently let our constitutions be violated. We should be good stewards of the freedom entrusted to us. We should be a restraining force against evil through lawful means.

    1. Obey our government on all things?? I disagree. I will never get the shot or get or give up many other rights.

    2. @Spgal I think it’s the officials issuing the mandates that are violating the law. We are supposed to be governed by rule of law, primarily the constitution, not by the edicts of officials.

    3. I can see the question on the line drawn on when should we fight through lawful means against Gov’t over reach when it comes to it creeping into our children’s schools with teaching CRT and there’s more than a man and woman. I have watched reports on children having to role play in transgender/bisexuality situations. Witnessing isn’t always a possibility to school boards and such.

  13. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”
    ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6:9‬ ‭

    Our pastor quoted the verse above in order to challenge us not to give up a day before our deliverance. So many quitting on the Lord just before a breakthrough comes

  14. I read a t shirt today that said ” Heaven is my home; I’m just here recruiting”. We need to pray for each other to be bold and find ways to present the Gospel.

  15. We need to encourage one another all the more as we see the day approaching! Keep in God’s word, pray and share the biblical gospel!

  16. Thank you so much for this! The times are so difficult that I have lost focus…thank you! I refocus. Repent. Turn to HIM! LORD, forgive me. LORD, set a fire within me once again. LORD help me.

  17. Amir is such a wonderful teacher. He brings so much clarity to God’s word and he puts the things that are going on in the world in to perspective. This helps me keep my faith going strong to know and understand the time I’m in. Thank you Solider of God Amir thank you

    1. Yes he is such a good teacher he has a deep understanding and I just love to hear him he is unique.

  18. Thank you Amir, Jan, Barry and Mike you are such a blessing to so many. I’m so encouraged by this round table. I shared this with friends as a dear friend shared it with me. Amir thank you for your updates on Telegraph. God bless you all . 🙏🏼 for your back pain Amir.❤️🙌🏼

  19. I Love how Amir keeps reiterating, what, and who we should be focusing on! JESUS! And preaching the Good News and or doing something for the Gospel! Thank you Brother Amir and Maranatha Saints! ✝🎺🎺🎺

  20. My wife and I are READY for the RAPTURE! We’re NOT clinging to this world, and want to see Jesus ASAP to thank Him for His sacrifice for us. We look forward to serving Him for Eternity. Amen

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