Today we’ll talk about impossible dreams. In Genesis 21, Sarah gives birth to Isaac at a very old age. This is Abraham’s son fulfilling the promise God made to Abram (Abraham) many years before. God’s promise was fulfilled, showing that anything is possible with God’s help.
Can God really make this happen? Here is a list of things that are too big for God to handle. Number = 0
That’s right, there is nothing impossible with God as Abraham (at 100 years old) and Sarah found out with the birth of their son, Isaac. Let’s see what else this lesson teaches us.
Abraham’s Son – Sarah Gives Birth to Isaac Through Doubt Worry and Fear – Simple for God
Then the Lord took note of Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as He had promised.
So Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the appointed time of which God had spoken to him.
Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Isaac.
Then Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him.
Now Abraham was one hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. – Genesis 21:1-5 NASB
Abraham – The One Hundred Year Old Father
I cringe at the thought; one hundred years old and now a father (or mother) to a new baby.
Yes – if we relate the story to the medical improbabilities of the incident.
No – if we look at it from the perspective of God.
The fact is, what seems an impossible task to us is something God takes in stride. Remember, God spoke the universe into being.
“Then God said, ‘Let there be light” – Genesis 1
God’s Way vs The Human Way
God does not work in human terms. No, He blinks an eye. Because He does the impossible, a couple residing in what should be the end of their days has a newborn. And Abraham lives to see Isaac as a grown man! How?
Faith is the Answer
Faith allows us to trust in God’s ability to accomplish the impossible. It is through faith that we can understand that what may seem impossible to us is within God’s power and control. By believing in Him and His promises, we can find hope and strength to overcome any obstacle. We witness miracles unfolding before our eyes.
Abraham’s story serves as a powerful example of God’s ability to accomplish the impossible. Despite being well past the age of childbearing, Sarah gave birth to a son, Isaac. Through this miraculous event, God demonstrated His sovereignty over time and nature. He showed that nothing is impossible for Him.
This Bible lesson from Genesis reminds us to trust in God’s power. It teaches us to have faith in His promises, knowing that He can bring about extraordinary outcomes in our lives.
Can You Handle It God?
I have been guilty many times of asking God for things that seem too big to handle. And then, I doubt God’s ability to take care of it for me. So, I get impatient and try to take care of the problem myself.
Big mistake!
Our human side, no matter how far we feel we have advanced in intelligence, takes over for what we should turn over to God. We should always leave our trust in God and not rely solely on our own judgement.
The Henry Ford Story
There is a story I once heard about Henry Ford that I’m sure has some truth in it but might have been embellished a bit. It goes like this..
Intelligent ignorance
The phrase “intelligent ignorance” means that, without proper knowledge we don’t understand that something “cannot work“. An example is that a bumble bee does not know that it is not supposed to fly, so it does anyhow.
This is the same situation the Ford engineers faced when Henry asked for the V-8 engine for his cars. Mr Ford told the engineers to build the motor. They told him it couldn’t be done.
He said; “You don’t understand – I want a V-8 engine.” They went back to the drawing board. After several attempts, came back again and again stating to Henry that it couldn’t be done.
After going back and forth several times with the same outcome, Henry finally said again with intensity and determination;
“I want a V-8 engine and I want it now — Go and build it.”
– They built the V-8 engine!
Do We Ask God, Then Doubt?
When we ask God for a miracle or even help with an everyday task that seems too big for us, we need that intelligent ignorance (like Ford) to give us faith. It is not impossible for God. Just ask Abraham and Sarah!
Sarah would have had less doubt, worry, and fear if she had believed in what God could do from the beginning. Either way, Isaac was born. But. peace of mind that God was in charge would have made the journey much easier.
Faith & The Birth – A Simple Lesson from Abraham and Sarah
Let’s talk to God about the “big” issues and tasks in our lives and then have faith that He can take care of it.
If we do, we will spend less time worrying and more time enjoying the benefits of being one of His children. By trusting in Him, we can experience true peace and joy in our lives. I know it’s difficult to trust God in all things. But, if we keep faith, the “impossible” seems less daunting. Let’s both try today.
Love in Christ
– Bob
Find how to receive the love and life-changing experience of Jesus Christ, please take a moment and go to John 3:16 for more information.