Idols or God?

Following through with the final days of Joshua, after he made his famous statement in the last section, the people of Israel once again made a covenant with God. They swore to get rid of their idols – a covenant which they would later break, again! The people of Israel seemed to repeat the same […]

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Joshua Advises the Leaders of Israel

Joshua Advises the Leaders of Israel

In this Scripture reading, Joshua is about to die. And, he knows there are weak areas in the leadership who will follow his rule. So, he warns against slipping into the temptation of sin – especially regarding the other nations (people) with whom Israel is still involved. From Joshua 23 of the Old Testament, Joshua […]

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Dividing the Promised Land

Dividing the Promised Land

When doing something for God, is “almost” good enough? What if Joshua would have thought this way? What happens when we think this way? The study of this passage from Joshua 14:6-15 plainly shows that Joshua did not stray from God’s plan. Just as he had been faithful all those times in the past, he […]

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Five Amorite Kings and Joshua

No survivors! Not even the 5 powerful Amorite kings could stand against the power of God when He fought for Israel. In the previous lesson from chapter ten, we saw “the day the sun stood still“, where God allowed Joshua to win the battle. The Bible study lesson today comes from Joshua 10:16-43. And, it […]

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